

SAN FRANCISCO, California (CNN) -- San Francisco authoritie s are gearing up for protests Wednesday when runners carry the Olympic torch through the city, hoping to avoid the chaos that disrupted the relay in London and Paris.

Police officers' vacations have been canceled. Mayor Gavin Newsom has said that the route along the waterfront -- already cut from eight to six miles -- could be changed up to and even during the run itself.

"Things are still subject to change based on the informatio n that we receive," San Francisco police Sgt. Neville Gittens said. "The goal is to have a safe event for everyone -- spectators and participan ts."

Protests won't be one-sided. Activists are in town from both camps: people who believe the Games should not be held in China and those who support the event.

In the early hours Wednesday, busloads of Beijing Olympics supporters , dressed in red and waving Chinese flags, arrived and assembled near the city's McCovey Cove, six hours before the torch run was scheduled to start there.

Business owners in San Francisco asked for calm at a news conference Tuesday. "We are begging for five hours of peace," said Sam Ng, president of the Chinese Six Companies, a prominent benevolent associatio n in the city, according to CNN affiliate KTVU.

The group Students for a Free Tibet plan to demonstrat e, and one of its spokesmen said he has heard of many people planning to be in San Francisco.

"We want it to be peaceful. But it will be large," said spokesman Tenzin Dasang. "I heard from Tibetans that now live all over the U.S. and even abroad who are coming here." Watch protests as Olympic torch arrives ?

San Francisco is the only U.S. stop for the torch relay, where it wraps up the first week of a 23-city internatio nal tour.

When the flame arrived in the city Tuesday, thousands of people -- chanting slogans and waving banners -- demonstrat ed against China's human rights record, including its treatment of Tibet.

A day earlier, three protesters scaled suspension cables on San Francisco' s Golden Gate Bridge and unfurled a large banner that read "One World. One Dream. Free Tibet." The demonstrat ors used baby carriages to sneak the banners and climbing equipment past police.

The San Francisco protests followed demonstrat ions in London and Paris in which protesters tried to snuff out the torch's flame and dozens were arrested.

"The whole world seems to spontaneou sly react to the situation and know that it's a fraud what the Chinese are doing," said actor Richard Gere, a prominent Tibetan Buddhist who has been a consistent advocate of human rights in Tibet.

Gere belongs to the Internatio nal Campaign for Tibet, one of several organizati ons that took part in Tuesday's protests.

"What the Chinese are doing, this is not an athletic game to them," he said. "This is putting a stamp of approval on repression and human rights abuses."
Fears of protests prompted one of the San Francisco torchbeare rs to drop out of Wednesday' s relay. KTVU said that was a 14-year-ol d girl.

But two-time Olympian Marilyn King plans to run, despite some apprehensi ons.

King knows firsthand the worst-case scenario of the Olympic stage. She was at the 1972 Munich games when 11 Israeli athletes and coaches were killed by terrorists .

King also lost her chance to compete in the pentathlon in 1980 because of the U.S. boycott of the Moscow games.

"There are always people who are willing to step outside those boundaries ," she said. "So I have some anxiety about that."

Dean Karnazes, another torch bearer, told KTVU he isn't worried.

"Mayor Newsom assured us of our safety first and foremost," Karnazes said. "I think it would have been bad to cancel the relay. The torch as always represente d hope, peace and unity. To extinguish the flame of hope is the wrong thing to do. The torch has brought light to an issue that needs to be addressed. "

报道的大致意思我给翻 译成了中文,水平有限 ,请大家包涵:

周三早晨一大早,数辆 大巴满载着穿着红色衣 ,挥舞着中国旗帜的 北京奥运会支持者,在 圣火接力开始前六小时 就赶到了出发点集合。

由西藏学生会计划示 威,其发言人之一说他 已经听说许多人将会前 往旧金山。我们希望 示威将是和平的,但是 规模会很大。(暗示会 有暴力行为)” 发言人Tenzin Dasang说。 我听说全美国的藏人, 甚至一些海外的, 都 会来旧金山。 ( CNN加了一个视频 连接: 在奥运圣火来 到的时候观看抗议)

当圣火周二到达旧金山 时,数千人--高喊口 号,挥舞标语--针对 中国的人权纪录进行了 示威,包括其对西藏的 方式。

在那之前一天,3名藏 独分子在旧金山金门大 桥上悬挂了藏独标语。 他们利用婴儿车装载标 语和攀爬工具,以骗过 警察。

整个世界看起来都同 时对目前的局势有了反 应,并且知道中国人正 在做的事情是错误的!演员里查。基尔说。 他是一个著名的藏传佛 教信徒,一直以来都是 所谓西藏人权问题的急 先锋.他属于国际西藏 联盟,其组织和其他几 个组织一起参加了周二 的抗议。

中国人正在做的事情 ,对他们来说这不是一 次体育运动会他说。 这是给他们 的镇压和侵犯人权行为 盖上了通行章。

抗议的恐惧使得旧金 山本地一名14岁的小 女孩放弃了火炬手机会 KTVU报道说。 但是两次参加奥运会的 Marilyn King决定冲破各种 阻力,坚持火炬跑。她 1972年慕尼黑奥 运会亲自见证了奥林匹 克可能遇到的最黑暗时 刻。 11名以色列运动员被 恐怖分子杀害。同时, 1980年由于美国抵 制莫斯科奥运会,她丧 失了竞赛的机会。

总是有人试图跨越边 她说。所以我对此有 些紧张

Dean Karnazes,另一名火炬手,告诉K TVU 他并不担心。

市长向我们保证,我 们的安全将是第一要素 他说。我想取消 接力将会是非常不幸的 火炬一直以来都代表着 希望,和平和团结。 熄灭希望之火当然是一 件错误的事。 火炬给需要解决的问题 带来了光明
